For Sale by Owner? Get free marketing
For Sale by Owner?
If you are selling your own home, you don't need to compromise on your marketing
  • Are you generating Facebook leads?
  • Are you generating Instagram leads?
  • Are you generating LinkedIn leads?
  • Do you have eFlyers
  • Do you have dedicated property website?
  • Are you on Craigslist?
  • Do you have landing pages?
  • Do you have a YouTube video?
Get FREE Professional versions of the tools that I use to sell homes!
A real estate agent does more for you than meets the eye.
As an expert in real estate, I would like to offer you a free review of how we can maximize your home’s sale price:
Curb Appeal
Some simple things can make your home attractive
Staging Your Home
Partial or full staging makes it look like a model home
Professional Photographs
I can't emphasize this enough. Professional pictures are important
Facebook Ads
I am very good at finding home buyers online. We need lots of leads,
Another great source to find home buyers
Instagram will attract a different audience than FB or LinkedIn
Single Property Website
A free, single property website for you to share with your buyers
We provide eFlyers that you can send to neighbors
Custom Landing Pages
Full screen, and mobile responsive landing pages that help generate leads
Craigs List
We push your home to Craigs list each week to give you more visibility
YouTube Video
Upload a video of your home to YouTube.
Virtual Tours
Buyers love virtual tours. We provide you with the technology to do it
Your free review will give you specific suggestions on ways we can find home buyers for your home, and help them realize the true value your home has to offer.
Thank you for submitting your information. Your information will be professionally reviewed shortly.
We will research your situation and find the best solution!
Donna Koepke
  • office: NA
  • mobile: (972) 814-4141
  • email: